help Application Details

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This is a new License Application. If it needs your attention, you can process the application from here.


The application details will be read only at the top of the window.


Below the application details there are fields mandatory for municipal review. These can be found under the Municipal Response Header.

Municipal Questions may exist on any job depending on the license type. All questions must be answered and it may require an additional text, date, or document response. Some questions will generate secondary questions. Make sure to review the whole questions grid before submitting the application.

The Comments field allows for any additional comments for the state to be added.

The Documents to Attach grid will show all available document types. The green check mark shows if a document of this type has been uploaded in the Uploaded Documents section. If there is a sample form available click the Open link to download the sample document. The Required? column will update as you fill out the application with all document types that will be mandatory. You can always press the save button to make sure the table is up to date.

The Uploaded Documents section is for uploading required documents. You must add a description and document type before continuing.

The Special Conditions radio button may require additional document types to be uploaded.

If applicable, the Checklist will be shown and has items that need attention. If the item is marked Mandatory, it needs the be checked before the Resolution can be submitted.

The Acknowledgment checkbox must be checked before the submission button will show



The Application will check for errors on submission and throw in red text at the top of the screen.

Submit to New Jersey ABC by clicking the submitresolutionbutton button.