help Permit Search

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help Permit Search

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The Search page shows all the Permit Applications and Renewals that are associated with your Municipality, regardless of Status.


File Number: narrows the search to return only the applications with a given File Number.

Permit Number: narrows the search to return only the applications with a given Permit Number.

Application Type: select a certain Application Type from the dropdown list (or (All) to select all Types).

Permitee: narrows the search to return only the applications for a given Permittee.

License Number: narrows the search to return only the applications with a given License Number.

Licensee: narrows the search to return only the applications for a given Licensee.

Trade Name: narrows the search to return only the applications for a given Business.

Event Date: narrows the search to return only the applications for a given Event Date range.



Enter any information you are looking for (at least 1 criteria is required). If the search returns too many records (currently a maximum of 250 results can be returned) you are requested to enter more information to filter the results.

For all the fields (except Application Type, this can be selected from the dropdown) you can enter the full information (if known) or only part.




The information that is displayed is:

File Number: a job number that is automatically generated.

Permit Number:  the Permit Number assigned.

Permit Type:  the Type of Permit.

Application Type: either a New Application or a Renewal.

Permittee: the person who the Permit is assigned to.

License Number: the License Number assigned.

Licensee: the person who the License is assigned to.

Trade Name: the name of the Business / Establishment (aka "Doing Business As").

Event Date: the date range that the Event is to take place.

Status: the status of the job.


Clicking on any header will re-sort the display. Click on any Permit, and more details will be shown. Click on searchagainbutton to return to the initial Permit Search screen.